Tracking Log
We are excited to offer you both online and paper tracking of your miles!
Submit Your Miles Online:
You can submit your mileage as you incur it by clicking on the results button in the menubar of the website, click on the Submit Virtual Results Option. This will walk you through the process of logging your distance and type of exercise.
Paper Option:
Keep Track of your mileage and time on our easy to use tracking log! You will utilize the tracking log to keep count of your miles as you move along US 1 from Key Largo to Key West, from Marathon to Key West or your Roundtrip. Utilize whatever tracking device you have (Fitbit, Garmin, Stop Watch) as you exercise, then log the totals on the easy to download form. These logs are for your tracking purposes only. Be sure to upload your miles daily so you can track your progress!
Click the icon below to download the attached PDF.